Left Brain
Right Brain

and back again

Left Brain to
to Right Brain

and back again

Highlights from a career in interactive media

About Me My Work

S&P Global Market Intelligence

Born from a merger of companies and products, many teams were brought together to create a new, consolidated Market Intelligence platform. I played multiple roles in this effort: UX research, creative direction of the product brand, and design of over a dozen applications, including this market data dashboard:

A brand is more than a new logo and a set of style guidelines.

Learn more about the rebranding project.

Read about the continuous evolution of the dashboard application (coming soon).

Rosetta Stone

As consultants to Rosetta Stone, my partner and I co-directed the design of several product releases for desk-top and mobile. The problem with showing screens from Rosetta Stone is that it doesn’t look like much. Is this really the interface that PC Magazine called “a work of art,” and CNN called “the gold standard?”

Yes it is, but you have to see it in action to get it.

The experience is immersive and auditory — you’re talking to the software, responding to its prompts and cues, while the program evaluates your grammar and pronunciation and provides feedback in real time.

With all that going on, I’m actually pretty proud it doesn’t look like much.

See for yourself.

HOOPP — Redesign for a Venerable Pension Plan

When HOOPP, (Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan), redesigned their website in 2011, I led the UX strategy, from persona development to wireframes to usability testing.

See images from the redesign process here.

CanWest — Reinventing a National News Network

When CanWest’s digital news network needed a new direction, I advocated and led a user-centred redesign, and grew readership by 50% year-over-year. This is the story of how I made the case.

Mackerel Interactive Media

If you scrolled down this far, you must be looking for the really old stuff. How about ...

The Mackerel Stack!
With Virtual Bubblewrap!

I was partner and Creative Director at Mackerel from 1990 to 1997. The Mackerel Stack was our digital brochure, which we distributed on floppy disc, and shared on BBS’s (pre-web social media.)

Of course, the real Mackerel Stack only works in the 1990’s. But click here to journey back, and witness the cutting edge of Interactive Multimedia.

Fun Fact! The Mackerel Stack 2.0 fit on a single 1.5 MB floppy disc.

A floppy disc was a portable storage medium that looked like a “save” icon.